Steve (he, him) is a licensed mental health counselor and AASECT certified sex therapist in private practice in the Portland, Oregon area who specializes in treating Gender, Sexual, and Relationship Diverse (GSRD) clients. Steve completed his Bachelor of Arts in Religious Studies in 2006 and his Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology in 2009. Steve is due to complete his doctoral studies in Clinical Psychology in 2025 from California Southern University. Steve’s Dissertation is exploring stigmatization of kink-involved populations.
In addition to his academic and clinical work, Steve volunteers for the NCSF and TASHRA. Steve has served as a director on the board of the National Coalition for Sexual Freedom (NCSF), chairs the NCSF fundraising committee, and managing the NCSF fetlife page. Steve volunteers for a number of research projects at TASHRA and was appointed a Research Scientist in 2022 and a lead research associate on TASHRA’s International Kink Health Study (IKHS) in 2021. For more information about Steve, please visit