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HomeStudent Paper Award

Student Paper Award

This award is funded by Taylor & Francis, publisher of SSSS's Journal of Sex Research.

This award recognizes and promotes excellence in student research and is granted annually to an outstanding article with a student as first author published in JSR during the prior year. The recipient is selected by the JSR Editor and Associate Editors. 

Selection Period: The selection deadline is July 1st each year.


All articles with a student as first author that are published in JSR in the prior year are eligible for and will automatically be considered for the award with the exception of review articles in the Annual Review of Sex Research special issue, introductions to special issues, editorials, or papers that have a JSR Editor or Associate Editor as a co-author. The first author must be a student or to have graduated 6 months or less prior to when they initially submit the paper. 

Nominee Requirements:

  • Because the Student Paper award is presented to recognize excellence in student research, it is not necessarily restricted to members of SSSS. 

Review & Evaluation Process:


The JSR Editor and each Associate Editor independently rate the quality each eligible article using a scale from 1 to 5 (5 being “Outstanding”) on the basis of the appropriateness and rigor of the methods, the importance and novelty of the scholarly contribution, the theoretical significance, and the clarity of the writing. For each article, the JSR Editor collects all ballots and averages the scores. The article with the highest average score receives the award. In the case of a tie, the award is given to both articles. The JSR Editor retains all ballots for at least two years. If there are questions about, or challenges to, the award decision, the ballots serve as evidence of a fair and transparent review process. 

In the year a Student Paper Award recipient is named, the recipient receives: 

  • A Certificate of Research Excellence
  • A $500 award
  • Complimentary conference registration*
*Registration to the SSSS Annual Conference is only provided the year the recipient receives the award.

Questions? Contact SSSS at


Student Paper Award Recipients


Ariel Shoikhedbrod; Natalie Rosen, PhD; Serena Corsini-Munt, PhD; Cheryl Harasymchuk, PhD; Emily Impett, PhD; Amy Muise, PhD; 
Being Responsive and Self-Determined When it Comes to Sex: How and Why Sexual Motivation is Associated with Satisfaction and Desire in Romantic Relationships

2023, Volume 60 Issue 8 


Maaike A.J. Noorman, PhD; Chantal den Daas, PhD; John de Wit, PhD
How Parents Ideals are Offset by Uncertanty and Fears: A Systematic Review of the Expereiences of European Parents regarding the Sexual Education of Their Children

2023, Volume 60 Issue 7 



Dr. Mathilde Kennis; Dr. Felix Duecker; Prof. Dr. Guy T'Sjoen; Prof. Dr. Alexander T. Sack; Dr. Marieke Dewitte

Sexual Self-Concept Discrepancies mediate the Relation Between Gender Dysphoria Sexual Esteen and Sexual Attitudes in Binary Transgender Individuals   

2022, Volume 59 Issue 4


Inês M. Tavares, PhD; Tânia Barros, MS; Natalie O. Rosen, PhD; Julia R. Heiman, PhD, ABPP; Pedro J. Nobre, PhD

Is Expectant Couples' Similarity in Attitudes to Sex During Pregnancy Linked to Their Sexual Well-being? A Dyadic Study with Response Surface Analysis   

2022, Volume 59, Issue 2 


Louis Lindley, MA; Annalisa Anzani, PhD; Antonio Prunas, PhD; M Paz Galupo, PhD

Sexual Satisfaction in Trans Masculine and Nonbinary Individuals: A Qualitative Investigation

2021, Volume 58, Issue 2


 Cara R. Dunkley, PhD; Craig Henshaw; Saira Henshaw; Lori Brotto, PhD
Physical Pain as Pleasure: A Theoretical Perspective
2020, Volume 57, Issue 4

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