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HomeJournal of Sex Research

The Journal of Sex Research

The official journal of The Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality

2022 JCR Impact Factors: 2-year 3.6 / 5-year4.6

Journal Citation Indicator (JCI): 1.51

Ranked 17/110 journals in the Interdisciplinary, Social Sciences Category
Ranked 42/131 journals in the Psychology, Clinical Psychology Category

2021 CiteScore: 7.2
CiteScore Ranked 5/190 journals in Gender Studies

Copyright: Journal Citation Reports®, Clarivate Analytics, Scopus
The Journal of Sex Research (JSR) is a scholarly journal devoted to the publication of articles relevant to a variety of disciplines involved in the scientific study of sexuality. Designed to encourage research and promote an interdisciplinary understanding of the diverse topics in contemporary sexual science, JSR publishes empirical reports, brief reports, theoretical essays, review articles, methodological articles, commentaries, and letters to the editor. 

The Journal does not accept personal narratives or case reports. JSR also publishes the Annual Review of Sex Research, devoted to comprehensive reviews of current topics in sexual science.

JSR actively seeks submissions from researchers around the world.
Want to submit a manuscript?
All submitted manuscripts are subject to initial appraisal by the JSR Editor, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to peer review by independent, anonymous expert referees. All peer review is double blind, and submission is online via ScholarOne Manuscripts. 

The Journal of Sex Research is pleased to offer sexuality researchers a new submission format to consider for their work: Registered Reports.

What is a Registered Report?
It's an approach to conducting and publishing research that is supported by more than 300 journals (JSR is one of the first sexuality journals to adopt them), in which Reviewers and the Editor provide authors with helpful feedback before authors carry out their research, with Reviewers providing results-agnostic appraisals of the research. 

Watch the January 18, 2022 Registered Reports at JSR Webinar:

For details on submitting your manuscript CLICK HERE.

For comprehensive Registered Report submission guidelines, CLICK HERE
Inquiries to JSR 
All inquiries regarding JSR policy and manuscript preparation/submission should be sent to the JSR Editor: 

Cynthia A. Graham, PhD, C Psychol. 
Editor, The Journal of Sex Research 
The Kinsey Institute and Dept. of Gender Studies, Indiana University 


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A subscription to The Journal — an annual value of $294.00 (USD) — is included with your SSSS membership.
You'll also have online access to all past issues — starting with Vol. 1, Issue 1 in 1965.


JSR Editorial Board

Cynthia A. Graham, PhD, C Psychol 
The Kinsey Institute and Dept. of Gender Studies, Indiana University
Bloomington, Indiana, USA

Editorial Assistant

Zoe Moscovici, MS
Department of Gender Studies, Indiana University
Bloomington, Indiana, USA

Associate Editors 

Kelly Davis, PhD
Arizona State University; Phoenix, Arizona, USA

Marieke Dewitte, PhD
Maastricht University, The Netherlands

Christian Grov, PhD

City University of New York - Graduate School of Public Health and Health Policy; New York, New York, USA 

Heather Hensman Kettrey, PhD
Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina, USA 

Margaret Rosario, PhD
City University of New York - City College and Graduate Center; New York, New York, USA
Laura Widman, PhD
North Carolina State University; Raleigh, North Carolina, USA 

Brian Willoughby, PhD

Brigham Young University; Provo, Utah, USA

Annual Review of Sex Research (ARSR) Editor 

Kirstin Mitchell, PhD
University of Glasgow; Glasgow, Scotland 

Registered Reports Editor and Statistical Consultant

John Sakaluk, PhD
Western University; London, Ontario, Canada

Statistical Consultants 

Amanda N. Gesselman, PhD 
The Kinsey Institute at Indiana University; Bloomington, Indiana, USA 

Devon J. Hensel, PhD 

Indiana University School of Medicine and Indiana University Purdue University; Indianapolis, Indiana, USA

Consulting Editors 

Olivia Adams, PhD
University of Florida, Gainsville, Florida, USA 

Andrew Allen, PhD
University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia 

Kristin Anders, PhD
Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas, USA

Heather Armstrong, PhD
University of Southampton; Southampton, England

Lanice Avery, PhD
University of Virgina, Charlottesville, Virgina, USA 

Jaime Barrientos, PhD
Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Santiago, Chile 

James Beggan, PhD
University of Louisville; Louisville, Kentucky, USA

Charlene F. Belu, PhD
University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, Canada

Maggie Bennett-Brown, PhD
Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas, USA

Karen L. Blair, PhD
Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada 

Amy Bleakley, PhD, MPH
University of Delaware; Newark, Delaware, USA

Lindsey Blumell, PhD
University of London, London, England

Shari Blumenstock, PhD
Queen's University; Kingston, Ontario, Canada

Anthony F. Bogaert, PhD
Brock University; St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada 

Beáta Bőthe, PhD
University of Montreal; Montreal, Canada

Lisa Bowleg, PhD
The George Washington University; Washington, DC, USA

Audrey Brassard, PhD
University of Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada

Lori A. Brotto, PhD
University of British Columbia; Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Taymy Caso, PhD
University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Sara B. Chadwick, PhD
University of Michigan; Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA 

Meredith Chivers, PhD
Queen's University; Kingston, Ontario, Canada 

Serena Corsini-Munt, PhD
University of Ottawa; Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Rica Cruz, PhD
Unprude, Metro Manila, Philippines 

Hanneke de Graaf, PhD
Rutgers, the Dutch Expertise Centre on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, Utrecht, The Netherlands

Peter J. de Jong, PhD
Department of Clinical Psychology & Experimental Psychopathology, University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands

Aaron H. Devor, PhD
University of Victoria; Victoria, British Columbia, Canada 

Lisa M. Diamond, PhD
University of Utah; Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

Michelle Drouin, PhD
Indiana University, Purdue University; Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA 

Shari L. Dworkin, PhD
School of Nursing and Health Studies, University of Washington Bothell; Bothell, Washington, USA

Terri D. Fisher, PhD
Ohio State University at Mansfield; Mansfield, Ohio, USA

William A. Fisher, PhD
University of Western Ontario; London, Ontario, Canada 

J. Dennis Fortenberry, MD, MS
Indiana University School of Medicine; Indianapolis, Indiana, USA

George A. Gaither, PhD
Ball State University; Muncie, Indiana, USA

Ateret Gewitz-Meydan, PhD
University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel 

Amanda K. Gilmore, PhD
Medical University of South Carolina; Charleston, South Carolina, USA 

Gert Martin Hald, PhD
University of Copenhagen; Copenhagen, Denmark

Trevor Hart, PhD
Toronto Metropolitan University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Amy L. Hequembourg, PhD
University at Buffalo; Buffalo, New York, USA

Jessica Hille, PhD
Kinsey Institute at Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana

Sam D. Hughes, PhD
Emporia State University, Emporia, Kansas, USA 

Terry Humphreys, PhD
Trent University, Peterborough; Ontario, Canada 

Janet Shibley Hyde, PhD
University of Wisconsin-Madison; Madison, Wisconsin, USA

Christian Joyal, PhD
University of Québec at Trois-Rivières; Quebec, Canada

Chelsea D. Kilimnik, PhD
University of Colorado Boulder; Boulder, Colorado, USA

Mitchell Kirwan, PhD
The University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso, Texas, USA

Taylor Kohut, PhD
University of Western Ontario; Ontario, Canada

Barbara Krahé, PhD
University of Potsdam; Potsdam, Germany

Dennis Li, PhD, MPH
Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, USA

Justin Lehmiller, PhD

The Kinsey Institute at Indiana University; Bloomington, Indiana, USA

Amy Lykins, PhD

University of New England; Australia

Heidi Lyons
Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan, USA

Consulting Editors, cont'd:

Megan K. Maas, PhD
Michigan State University; East Lansing, Michigan, USA

Tiffany L. Marcantonio, PhD
University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama, USA 

Kristen Mark, PhD

University of Kentucky; Lexington, Kentucky, USA

Mark McCormack, PhD
Aston University, Birmingham, England

Étienne Meunier, PhD
New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, New York, New York, USA

Robin R. Milhausen, PhD
University of Guelph; Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Elizabeth M. Morgan, PhD
Springfield College; Springfield, Massachusetts, USA

Todd G. Morrison, PhD
University of Saskatchewan; Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

Charlene Muehlenhard, PhD
University of Kansas; Lawrence, Kansas, USA

Brian Mustanski, PhD
Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, USA

Tom Nadarzynski, PhD
The University of Westminster; London, England

Michael Newcomb, PhD
Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, USA

Charles Negy, LCP
Independent Practice, Florida, USA
Spencer B. Olmstead, PhD
University of Tennessee; Knoxville, Tennessee, USA

Lucia O'Sullivan, PhD
University of New Brunswick; Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada 

Anthony Paik, PhD
University of Massachusetts - Amherst; Amherst, Massachusetts, USA

Richard Parker, PhD
Columbia University; New York, New York, USA

Patrícia M. Pascoal, PhD
Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias; Lisboa, Portugal

Jay P. Paul, PhD
University of California at San Francisco; San Francisco, California, USA

Samuel L. Perry, PhD
University of Oklahoma - Norman; Norman, Oklahoma, USA

Zoe D. Peterson, PhD
Indiana University; Bloomington, Indiana, USA

Myeshia N. Price, PhD
The Trevor Project; West Hollywood, California, USA

Qazi Rahman, PhD
King's College London; London, England

Nastassia Rambarran, MA
University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland

Juliet Richters, PhD
University of New South Wales; Sydney, Australia

Theo Sandfort, PhD
New York State Psychiatric Institute and Columbia University; New York, New York, USA

Pablo Santos-Iglesias, PhD
Cape Breton University, Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada 

Eric W. Schrimshaw, PhD
University of Central Florida; Orlando, Florida, USA

Scott Semenya, PhD
Stetson University, Deland, Florida, USA

Michael Seto, PhD
Royal Ottawa Health Care Group; Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Shayna Skakoon-Sparling, PhD

Ryerson University; Toronto, Ontario, Canada 

Alexsandar Štulhofer, PhD
University of Zagreb; Zagreb, Croatia

Charlotte Tate, PhD
San Francisco State University; San Francisco, California, USA

Inês M. Tavares, PhD
Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada

Shameka Thorpe, PhD
University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, USA

Ashley Townes, PhD
Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - Division of HIV Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Pablo Vallejo-Medina, PhD
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), Barcelona, Spain

Daphne van de Bongardt, PhD
Erasmus University Rotterdam; Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Julia Velten, PhD
Ruhr University Bochum; Bochum, Germany

Virginia J. Vitzthum, PhD
Indiana University - Bloomington; Bloomington, Indiana, USA

Kate Walsh, PhD
University of Wisconsin - Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, USA

Monique Ward, PhD
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA

Brooke Wells, PhD
Widener University; Chester, Pennsylvania, USA

Rose Wesche, PhD
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Blacksburg, Virginia, USA

Keon West, PhD
Goldsmiths, University of London; London, England

Liam Wignall, PhD
University of Brighton, Brighton, England

Malachi Willis, PhD
University of Glasgow; Glasgow, Scotland 

Jessica Willoughby, PhD
The Edward R. Murrow College of Communication,
Washington State University, Washington, USA

Jacqueline Woerner, PhD
University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida, USA

Val Wongsomboon, PhD

Northwestern University; Chicago, Illinois, USA

Paul J. Wright, PhD
The Media School, Indiana University; Bloomington, Indiana, USA

Melanie Zimmer-Gembeck, PhD
Griffith University; Gold Coast, Australia

Copyright © 2020 The Society For the Scientific Study of Sexuality, INC.