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HomeDistinguished Service to SSSS Award

Distinguished Service to SSSS Award

Any member of SSSS can submit a nomination for the award managed by the Board of Directors. The Board may also generate its own nominees.

The award recipient will be selected through discussion and vote of the Board of Directors. Members of the current Board of Directors are not eligible for the award.

In 1985, SSSS initiated the Distinguished Service to SSSS Award to recognize SSSS members for their outstanding service to the organization. Examples include, but are not restricted to, extensive volu
nteer participation on committees or task forces, the holding of important organizational positions within the leadership, or having been previously elected to the Board of Directors.

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In the year the award is presented, the recipient receives:

  • Commemorative plaque
  • $500 for travel to attend the SSSS Annual Conference to accept the award*
  • Complimentary conference registration*

*If travel is not required to attend the conference (e.g., the winner lives in the conference city or SSSS holds a virtual conference), travel will not be provided, but complimentary conference registration will remain in place.

Nomination Period

The nomination period is open from January 1 - March 15 each year.

Nominee Guidelines and Process

Nominations are welcome from any SSSS member.

Nominees must be current, typically long-term, SSSS members.

The nominator must complete an online form and attach the following documents:

  • Nominee's current CV (if available)
  • Letter describing the nominee's service to SSSS
  • Additional letters of support from SSSS members are welcome, but not required

Review Criteria

  • Amount of Service - number of positions held and/or total time spent in the service of SSSS
  • Sustained Service - evidence of a long-term commitment to SSSS
  • Quality of Service - evidence of important goals accomplished and initiatives completed, and evidence that the service substantially contributed to SSSS
  • Extent to which the nominee acknowledges, includes, values, and/or amplifies diverse voices and strengths in sex science


Questions? Contact SSSS at

Distinguished Service to SSSS Recipients

2023 Osmo Kontula, PhD
2023 Nicholas Grosskopf, EdD, MCHES
2022 Zoë Peterson, PhD
2022 Myeshia Price, PhD
2021 Janet Shibley Hyde, PhD

Peter B. Anderson, PhD

2019 Charlene Muehlenhard, PhD
2018 Cynthia A. Graham, PhD, CPsychol
2017 Carey Roth Bayer, EdD
2017 J. Dennis Fortenberry, MD
2017 Mark Schoen, PhD
2016 Herbert Samuels, PhD
2015 Jean Levitan, PhD
2014 Stephanie Sanders, PhD
2013 Konnie McCaffree, PhD
2012 Eli Coleman, PhD
2009 John DeLamater, PhD
2009 Patricia Koch, PhD
2008 William Yarber, HSD
2002 Sharon McNeely, PhD
1999 Vern Bullough, PhD
1998 Robert Friar, PhD
1997 Rebecca Black, MA
1996 Marilyn Fithian, PhD
1995 Sandra L. Davis
1992 Barbara Wiedeman Ruppel, MSW
1991 Elizabeth Rice Allgeier, PhD
1990 Andrew E. Behrendt, PhD
1988 Deborah Weinstein, MSW
1987 Clive M. Davis, PhD
1985 Leah Cahan Schaefer, EdD

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