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HomeBeigel Award

Hugo G. Beigel Award

This award is funded by Taylor & Francis, publisher of SSSS's Journal of Sex Research.

Clive M. Davis, the second editor of the Journal of Sex Research (JSR), initiated the Beigel Award. The award is named in memory of Dr. Hugo Beigel, a founding member of SSSS and the first editor of JSR, a position he held for 13 years.

This award recognizes and promotes research excellence in sexual science and is granted annually to the author(s) of an outstanding report published during the prior year in JSR. The winner(s) are selected by the JSR Editor and Associate Editors.

Selection Period: The selection deadline is July 1 each year.

Selection Process:

All refereed articles published in JSR for the prior year are eligible for the award, with the exception of review articles in the Annual Review of Sex Research special issue, introductions to special issues, editorials, or articles in which the Editor or Associate Editors were authors.  

Nominee Requirements:

  • Because the Beigel award is presented to recognize research excellence in sexual science, it is not necessarily restricted to members of SSSS. 

Review & Evaluation:

The JSR Editor and each Associate Editor independently rate the quality of each eligible article using a scale from 1 to 5 (5 being “Outstanding”) on the basis of the appropriateness and rigor of the methods, the importance and novelty of the scholarly contribution, the theoretical significance, and the clarity of the writing.

For each article, the JSR Editor collects all ballots and averages the scores. The article with the highest average score receives the award. In the case of a tie, the award is given to both articles. The JSR Editor retains all ballots for at least two years. If there are questions about, or challenges to, the award decision, the ballots serve as evidence of a fair and transparent review process.

In the year a Hugo G. Beigel recipient is named, the recipient receives: 

  • A Certificate of Research Excellence
  • A $500 award
  • Complimentary conference registration*
*Registration to the SSSS Annual Conference is only provided the year the recipient receives the award. 

Questions? Contact SSSS at

Hugo G. Beigel Award Recipients

Yin Xu, PhD; Sam Norton, PhD; Qazi Rahman, PhD
Adolescent Sexual Behavior Pattern, Mental Health, and Early Life Adversities in a British Birth Cohort
Volume 59
Issue 1 
2022 Alice Campbell, PhD; Francisco Perales, PhD; Janeen Baxter, PhD
Changes in Sexual Identity Labels in a Contemporary Cohort of Emerging Adult Women: Patterns, Prevalence and a Typology
 Volume 58
Issue 5
2021 Samuel Perry, PhD
Is the Link Between Pornography Use and Relational Happiness Really More About Masturbation?Results From Two National Surveys
Volume 57
Issue 1
2020 Ingela Lundin Kvalem, PhD; Bente Traeen, PhD;Aleksandra Markovic, MS; and Tilmann von Soest, PhD
Body Image Development and Sexual Satisfaction:A Prospective Study from Adolescence to Adulthood
Volume 56
Issue 6
2020 Christine E. Kaestle, PhD (posthumous)
Sexual Orientation Trajectories Based on Sexual Attractions, Partners, and Identity:
A Longitudinal Investigation from Adolescence through Young Adulthood Using a U.S. Representative Sample
Volume 56
Issue 7
2018 Karen L. Blair, PhD; Jackie Cappell, PhD;and Caroline Pukall, PhD
Not All Orgasms Were Created Equal: Differences in Frequency and Satisfaction of Orgasm Experiences by Sexual Activity in Same-Sex Versus Mixed-Sex Relationships
Volume 55
Issue 6
2017 Miriam K. Forbes, PhD; Nicholas R. Eaton, PhD;and Robert F. Krueger, PhD
Sexual Quality of Life and Aging: A Prospective Study of a Nationally Representative Sample
Volume 54
Issue 2
2017 David A. Frederick, PhD; Janet Lever, PhD;Brian Joseph Gillespie, PhD; and Justin R. Garcia, PhD
What Keeps Passion Alive? Sexual Satisfaction Is Associated With Sexual Communication, Mood Setting, Sexual Variety, Oral Sex, Orgasm, and Sex Frequency in a National U.S. Study
Volume 54
Issue 2
2016 Taylor Kohut, PhD; Dr. Jodie L. Baer, PhD; and Brendan Watts
Is Pornography Really about “Making Hate to Women”? Pornography Users Hold More Gender Egalitarian Attitudes Than Nonusers in a Representative American Sample
Volume 53
Issue 1
2015 Arielle R. Deutsch, PhD; and Wendy S. Slutske, PhD
A Noncausal Relation Between Casual Sex in Adolescence and Early Adult Depression and Suicidal Ideation: A Longitudinal Discordant Twin Study
Volume 52
Issue 7
2014 Martin Monto, PhD; and Anna Carey
A New Standard of Sexual Behavior? Are Claims Associated With the “Hookup Culture” Supported by General Social Survey Data?
Volume 51
Issue 6
2013 James D. Griffith, PhD; Sharon Mitchell; Christian L. Hart; Lea T. Adams; and Lucy L. Gu
Pornography Actresses: An Assessment of the Damaged Goods Hypothesis
Volume 50
Issue 7
2012 Anthony M. A. Smith, PhD; Juliet Richters, PhD; et al.
Sexual Practices and the Duration of Last Heterosexual Encounter: Findings from the Australian Longitudinal Study of Health and Relationships
Volume 49
Issue 5
2011 Heidi Lyons, PhD; Peggy Giordano, PhD; Wendy Manning, PhD; and Monica Longmore, PhD
Identity, Peer Relationships, and Adolescent Girls' Sexual Behavior: An Exploration of the Contemporary Double Standard
Volume 48
Issue 5
2010 Jenifer McGuire; and Bonnie L Barber
A Person-Centered Approach to the Multifaceted Nature of Young Adult Sexual Behavior
Volume 47
Issue 4
2009 Alfred DeMaris
Distal and Proximal Influences on the Risk of Extramarital Sex: A Prospective Study of Longer Duration Marriages
Volume 47
Issue 6
2008 Julie M. Albright, PhD
Sex in America Online: An Exploration of Sex, Marital Status, and Sexual Identity in Internet Sexseeking and Its Impacts
Volume 46
Issue 2
2007 Zoë D. Peterson, PhD; and Charlene L. Muehlenhard, PhD
Conceptualizing the 'Wantedness' of Women's Consensual and Nonconsensual Sexual Experiences with Rape
Volume 46
Issue 1
2006 Juliet Richter, PhD; Richard de Visser, PhD; Chris Rissel; and Anthony Smith
Sexual Practices at Last Heterosexual Encounter and Occurrence of Orgasm in a National Survey
Volume 44
Issue 3
2005 Patricia Barthalow Koch, PhD; Phyllis Kernoff Mansfield, PhD; Debra Thurau, MS; and Molly Carey, BS
“Feeling frumpy”: The relationships between body image and sexual response changes in midlife women
Volume 42
Issue 3
2004 Les Whitbeck; Ziaojin Chen; Dan Hoyt; Kimberly Tyler; and Kurt Johnson
Mental disorder, subsistence strategies, and victimization among gay, lesbian, and bisexual homeless and runaway adolescents
Volume 41
Issue 4
2003 Virginia Cain; Catherine Johannes; Nancy Avis; Beth Mohr; Miriam Schocken; Joan Skurnick; and Marcia Ory
Sexual functioning and practices in a multi‐ethnic study of midlife women: Baseline results from swan
Volume 40
Issue 3
2002 Erick Janssen, PhD; Harrie Vorst, PhD; Peter Finn, PhD; and John Bancroft, MD
The sexual inhibition (SIS) and sexual excitation (SES) scales: II. Predicting psychophysiological response patterns
Volume 39
Issue 2
2000 Erick Janssen, PhD; Walter Everaerd, PhD; Mark Spiering, MA; and Jeroen Janssen, MA
Automatic processes and the appraisal of sexual stimuli: Toward an information processing model of sexual arousal
Volume 37
Issue 1
1999 Janine Zweig, PhD; Lisa Crockett, PhD; Judith Vicary, PhD; and Aline Sayer, PhD
A longitudinal examination of the consequences of sexual victimization for rural young adult women
Volume 36
Issue 4
1998 John J. Potterat; Richard B. Rothenberg; Stephen Q. Muth; William W. Darrow; and Lynanne Phillips-Plummer
Pathways to prostitution: The chronology of sexual and drug abuse milestones
Volume 35
Issue 4
1997 Alfred DeMaris, PhD
Elevated sexual activity in violent marriages: Hypersexuality or sexual extortion?
Volume 34
Issue 4
1996 Cindy Struckman-Johnson; David Struckman-Johnson; Lila Rucker; Kurt Bumby; and Stephen Donaldson
Sexual coercion reported by men and women in prison
Volume 33
Issue 1
1995 Diane Binson, PhD; Stuart Michaels, MA; Ron Stall, PhD; Thomas J. Coates, PhD; John H. Gagnon, PhD; and Joseph A. Catania, PhD
Prevalence and social distribution of men who have sex with men: United states and its urban centers
Volume 32
Issue 3
1994 Jacqueline Boles, PhD; and Kirk Elifson
Sexual identity and HIV: The male prostitute
Volume 31
Issue 1
1993 Holly Devor, PhD
Sexual orientation identities, attractions, and practices of female‐to‐male transsexuals
Volume 30
Issue 4
1988 Beverly Whipple, RN, PhD; and Barry R. Komisaruk, PhD
Analgesia produced in women by genital self‐stimulation
Volume 24
Issue 1
1987 Richard C. Pillard, MD; and James D. Weinrich, PhD
The periodic table model of the gender transpositions: Part I. A theory based on masculinization and defeminization of the brain
Volume 23
Issue 4
1986 Barry Singer, PhD Volume 21
1985 Bernard Apfelbaum, PhD
The ego‐analytic approach to individual body‐work sex therapy: Five case examples
Volume 20
Issue 1
1984 David Weis, PhD
Affective reactions of women to their initial experience of coitus
Volume 19
Issue 3
1983 Victor Malatesta, PhD; Robert Pollack, PhD; Terry Crotty, PhD; and Lelon J. Peacock, PhD
Acute alcohol intoxication and female orgasmic response
Volume 18
Issue 1
1982 Michael Ross, PhD
1981 Donald L. Mosher, PhD; and Barbara White
Effects of committed or casual erotic guided imagery on females' subjective sexual arousal and emotional response
Volume 16
Issue 4


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