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Lucia O'Sullivan 

University of New Brunswick  Professor
Fredericton, NB  Canada

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Fredericton, NB  Canada
University of New Brunswick

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Yes, I am currently accepting doctoral applicants.


Dr. Lucia O’Sullivan is a social psychologist in our Experimental Psychology program. She has two main lines of research: (1) the sexual behavior and dating relationships of young adults and (2) factors influencing access to sexual health services and comprehensive sexuality education. She also has a long-standing interest in the integration of new digital technologies into our social lives. She has a Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology from UNB, then a PhD. in Experimental Psychology from Bowling Green in Ohio. She was a Research Scientist and Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology in Psychiatry at Columbia University in New York for 11 years, and held a Canada Research Chair in Adolescents’ Sexual Health Behavior at UNB for 10 years. She has published over 120 peer-reviewed articles in scientific journals and 25 chapters, and been awarded over seven million dollars in funding, mostly as Principal Investigator. She is the Associate Editor for the Journal of Sex Research and serves on ten other editorial boards for journals addressing sex, relationships, youth, and psychology generally. She gets to work with some of the best graduate students ever—a favourite part of her job. 

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